A Little About Romanhol Advogados

Romanhol was founded in 2010 by the current partner Wanessa Neves Lessa Romanhol.

Realizing the growing demand for law firms capable of generating corporate legal solutions with a comprehensive view, anticipating legal issues that are reflected in the business environment and vice versa, the vast legal practice of lawyer Wanessa Romanhol added to the experience of the well-known business consultant and also lawyer, Wellington Romanhol, which made the firm different from its competitors since the beginning of its trajectory.

Romanhol has a multidisciplinary team of the highest standard, composed of specialized professionals from different areas, qualified to serve our customers with total excellence and high performance.

  • 2015

    founded in

  • 19+

    areas of

  • 4+


Areas of Expertise

Bankruptcy and Corporate

Judicial Administration

Litigation, Arbitration
and Dispute Resolution

Fusions and acquisitions

Family and Succession



Administrative and Public Contracts


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